Friday 4 September 2015

My husband cheated on me. Can our marriage survive?'

Telegraph Wonder Women agony aunt Dr Petra Boynton offers advice and support to a reader who is struggling to deal with her husband's infidelity

Infidelity doesn't always break a relationship Photo: Alamy
I just found out my husband has been having an affair. I feel so mixed up and unhappy. Can our marriage survive it? He seems to think so but I am not sure. Do people stay together after one of them is caught cheating? How do people usually react?
Quick answer – yes marriages can survive affairs and yes people can stay together.
The longer answer is a little more complicated.

How are you doing?

As you describe, discovering a partner has been unfaithful can leave you feeling completely unbalanced. You may be experiencing a range of emotions including anger, uncertainty, grief, fear, shame and hope.
Those with children, shared finances or housing may particularly struggle to make decisions.
You may find yourself downplaying what has happened. Or feel unable to stop obsessing over every detail. You may feel completely overwhelmed and unable to think straight, or do the simplest of things.

How about him?

The person who has been discovered having an affair may be panicked, defensive, angry, ashamed, tearful, frightened, evasive – or perhaps a mixture of these.
They may wish to divulge everything about their affair – which you may or may not want to hear. They may only reveal the minimal amount of information. Or they may continue to lie about either what has happened or what they are doing now.
They may be eager to seek your forgiveness and want to reconcile immediately. Or say they want to remain together but not make further efforts to do much about it.

How you both might react

You both may struggle with your emotions, feeling tearful, anxious or depressed. You may find it difficult to concentrate, and your sleeping and eating may be affected.
It’s not unusual to find yourselves having a lot of sex, being very romantic, or finding every conversation turns into a row.
Both of you may find it difficult to talk, you may not have the answers the other wants to hear, and you may feel confused about how to deal with what has happened or where to go next.

What will get in the way of you staying together?

Things don’t look good for recovering the relationship if the person who cheated continues to lie, pretends they have ended the affair when they haven’t, or plays you off against the person they cheated on you with.
If either of you refuses to discuss what has happened, or continually blames, belittles or is cruel then you may feel pushed even further apart.
You may struggle to see your situation clearly if you are pestered for reconciliation before you are ready, asked to consistently explain your thoughts, or given no space to reflect.
If you have children, making them part of your disagreements or giving them details of the affair can affect their wellbeing.
Forbidding your partner from seeking help from friends, family, support groups, therapists etc because you don’t want others to know what has gone on is controlling and unfair.
A particular concern is if you stay together but have continuous and unresolved arguments that are increasingly personal. If you are disrespecting and belittling each other. Or if the discovery of the affair leads to physical, emotional, financial or sexual abuse.

What could help you rebuild the relationship?

There is often pressure to stick together or try and swiftly rebuild things. You may find living up to responding ‘perfectly’ to infidelity puts you under more pressure or prevents you expressing understandable feelings of anger, jealousy and sadness.
So it may be useful to appreciate immediately after discovering an affair you may be uncertain about what you want, and not push one another to make firm decisions right away.
Be as clear as possible with one another about what you’d like to happen. That means if you want to stay together, to end the relationship, or simply don’t know, you make this clear.
You may prefer to write down your feelings if that is easier than a face-to-face conversation.
While it is tempting to blame and accuse each other of contributing to the affair, if you are able to speak frankly about how you feel without continuing to shame each other you may make more progress.
Don’t expect things to be resolved quickly or easily, without effort on both your parts and, if appropriate, with relationship therapy.
You may need to talk to others outside the relationship (family, friends etc) or if this is affecting your wellbeing to talk to your doctor, or boss if you need time off work.
Work at a pace that suits you, you don’t have to live together in the immediate days or months following an affair. Or you may prefer to remain in the same home. You might take time before you enjoy each other’s company or to have sex. Significant dates may trigger you to feel angry, anxious or sad.

There are resources you can use

Some people report how an affair alerted them to a relationship already in crises that was best ended. Still more find they try and rebuild things but their partner does not make the same effort, leaving them feeling betrayed all over again. Or it might be the affair is part of a pattern of repeated infidelity that eventually cannot be endured.
Others will say they were able to forgive and move on, without their relationship changing particularly significantly. Or that the affair was a good thing, showing them what they risked losing, and helping them reconstruct a far happier relationship.
The problem with advice columns is they often tell people what to do rather than how to do it. Above I’ve given ideas of how you may feel, what probably won’t help you and what might. But that’s not necessarily the same as putting these ideas into action – nor does it really capture the nausea, dread, fear and despair you may be feeling right now.
To address this shortcoming it may be you see a therapist on your own, while the following resources are there for you as and when you need them:

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