Friday 4 September 2015

My Small Savings as a Corper I Founded Omatek Computers.


Mrs. Florence Seriki

• Former President Olusegun Obasanjo is My Mentor
• My Father Almost Cried When I Decided Against Being a Medical Doctor
• The Lesson I Have Learnt in Life is to Trust Nobody
• I Get Bored Easily Doing Just One Thing – I Love to Explore New Areas of Opportunities
She is an amazon. She is an unrelenting achiever and an intrepid entrepreneur; a rule-breaker who went against her father’s wish that she should study medicine. Leaving her father hugely disappointed she went ahead to study Chemical Engineering at the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) in Ile Ife, Osun State. She is the founder, Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Omatek Ventures Plc – meet   Mrs. Florence Seriki (MFR). A consummate businesswoman, teacher and innovator, Seriki ranks high among those who pioneered local content and manufacturing in the information and communication technology sector not only in Nigeria but also Africa.  A woman of many firsts; with the perspicacity of vision she established the first indigenous computer assembly plant in Nigeria and Ghana.
With more than a hundred notable awards to her name like the Legend of Tech Award, the African Amazon of the Decade, the Titan of Tech Award and the national award of the Member of the Federal Republic. Florence has conquered what hitherto seemed to be the world of men and she’s ruling it with glee and grace. From a small beginning she has reached the apogee. Unmistakably simple, Mrs. Seriki’s intuition, creativity and confidence reflects in her fashion philosophy – she loves colourful attires and has a high sense of fashion which she says runs in her family. In this interview with Omolabake Fasogbon, the Omatek boss, narrates how her dreams rose, fell and rose again, how she combines managing her international enterprise with caring for her home and what keeps her when the chips are down 
Choice of Engineering
For Florence Seriki, becoming an engineer is a dream come true. Though the pressure was much on her to take up a career in the medical field, she insisted on the design and manufacturing profession. Today, she lives with no regrets. “My father almost cried when I did not study medicine. He wanted me to be a medical doctor despite the fact that he was a telecom engineer. But I was scared of injection (needle and syringe), so it became a zero option for me. I had always loved mathematics. And naturally, I have passion for engineering. I am glad I followed my passion. Meanwhile, I enjoin female students whose passion goes with the profession not to be deterred by the scary stereotype attached to the course. It is such an interesting field and not as tough as painted.”

How Omatek Was Set Up
And from her little savings as a Youth Corper, she was able to establish, perhaps the country’s first home-grown information communication technology firm. “I was able to set up Omatek from my little earning as a youth corper and from the money I made from coaching executives who lacked knowledge in computer operations. I had to deprive myself of so many things including all those things ladies buy with their money just to get the mission accomplished.” Though the environment was not conducive for such a venture, she did not hesitate to launch her dream going to the bank to secure financial support.

The Trial Period
She fell at the first hurdle of trying to expand.  Perhaps the venture was not to be; but she saw things differently. “I saw the prospect in the computer deal. I decided to go to the stock market in order to raise funds in order to meet the rising demands of customers. Immediately we entered the market, it crashed. Therefore, that plan failed. It was really a tough one for us. The bank that took us to the stock market also crashed. To cut a long story short, we got liquidated. There was no one we could run to as every other bank had its own challenges too. During this period, I remained focused. People thought Omatek was dead; the media was writing all forms of negative stories about us. None of the banks wanted to have anything to do with us and even the staff that was supposed to stand by us betrayed us. It was as if the world had ended. But in all, I was not shaken. I held on to my God for a miracle.”

Weathering the Storm
Hit but not discouraged. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. That consoling statement continued to sound in her ears for three years as she waited to get herself and her firm out of the doldrums. Not too long, the much awaited miracle surfaced.

“I was so fortunate to be at a stakeholders’ forum organised by former President Goodluck Jonathan and the governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria was in attendance. So, I said within me ‘this is the hour my life has been waiting for. I must not miss this golden opportunity.’ With all sense of respect, I raised my hands to call the attention of the President and the CBN governor; I told the CBN governor how his policies had landed us in quagmire. He and the President pitied my plight and also saw reason in all that I said. Without further delay, the CBN governor ordered that our matter be looked into. The President also ordered the Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) to take us out of the whole mess which they did. And that heralded the fading away of the dark clouds.

“I have always been fortunate with the government’s open stakeholders’ forum. I remember I was also at a forum organised by former President Olusegun Obasanjo. There also, I raised my hand to table my matter. I told them what I was doing and explained the challenges of doing business in the Nigerian environment.
Convinced by my well tabled argument, he ordered the then minister of finance and transport to give local manufacturers zero per cent duty. And, that was how the local content policy was created. The open forum has helped a lot in my business. I will implore government at all levels to do this periodically so that they can gain direct access to the mind of the people. Though, it took us three years to bounce back, we laughed last and best. I hope to put the whole episodes down in writing some day so that other entrepreneurs can learn from my experience.”

Source of Inspiration
“God has always been my source of inspiration. Once I communicate with him, he gives me an idea which I put to action. I am a practical person; once I get an idea, I pursue it to the stage of actualisation.”

Solar Power Initiative
“I get bored easily doing just one thing. I like exploring new areas and that informed the solar power project. Aside this, I see power as a very big challenge to everybody in the country and not just business owners. Most dreams have been shattered to lack or inadequacy of electricity. So many of us travel but we do not look. I travel and I look. I discovered that so many things done in foreign countries can be brought here to better our lives. I saw the innovation abroad. I was interested in it and so the zeal and the energy came, God helping, the project is a success today and the fact that I am an engineer also contributed. With the solar power project, I see solution for this country. We do not all have to go and build a power plant.”

Juggling Home and Career
“There are three departments in a woman’s life: career, children and husband. Not all women are fortunate in these three departments. Some may be lucky in one; some in two and some may be fortunate to get it all. One must strike a balance in all the departments. Most important, a woman must maintain strong relationship with her children for their emotional, mental and physical development. I cannot stand women that cannot impact on their children. What will they say is the excuse: career or husband? Oh no! A woman does not have any excuse when it comes to training the children. I always advice women anytime I am privileged to talk to them not to neglect their children for their husbands nor their husbands for their children. There must be a balance.”

Kitchen Business
“Well, I am a woman; a Delta woman for that matter. So, I cook a lot even till date. One finds it hard to get a good cook these days. I used to have a chef from Ivory Coast. But, I was not satisfied. If I become so  rich like some people in the country, I am going to gather apprentices like carpenters, electricians, plumbers and cooks and offer them up-to-date training because most of them lack the required skills. Once I get home and drop my bag, I go straight to the kitchen.”

Relationship with God
Her words give an impression of an already anointed pastor or of one in the making. When asked if she is one, the response was “I am not a pastor.” What’s her relationship with God then?

“But I relate perfectly with my God. We both communicate on a daily basis. I have once asked God during my trial period why he allowed us to work this far if this is how the whole thing will crash and he gave me the answer. It is all about relationship; talk to him, he listens. But it is not all about prayer alone. You have to be hard-working. That is why I do not have any regret if things do not work out for me because I must have prayed over it and worked hard too.”

“I have been saying it and I will continue to say it that former President Olusegun Obasanjo remains my mentor. I am not being sentimental here. The man is a blessing to Nigeria. If he did not support the local content policy –I mean – I will not be here today and many businesses’ dreams would have failed.”

Getting SMEs Right in Nigeria
“Banks should be trained to accommodate differences in different manners. Yes, I know they also have their challenges, but they should learn to be accommodating. Policies should be adjusted to assist start-ups and established entrepreneurs. They should provide funds to manufacturers to do business as they do to short-term businesses. They should also give moderate Interest rates. Entrepreneurs should stop complaining and get something done no matter how unfriendly the business environment is. Twenty-nine years ago, when I started, power was a major challenge and till today, power still remains a big challenge in the country. If I had waited for power to be corrected then, I am sure I will still be waiting and I will not be where I am today. Start it first and then you keep growing especially if you are truthful and you are good at what you are doing. I tell you, the sky is the starting point.”

Latest from Omatek
“We are coming up with new models of computers in terms of tablets, e-learning machines, laptops and all-in-one computers. We have already started producing the all-in-one computers. That is what they are currently using for the national identity card project. If you go to any of the centres where they are doing national Identity card, you will see them using Omatek all-in-one computers.”

“I sleep; I watch movies and I play with my children. I also attend social functions when invited. I make sure I dress fine and I do not stay for long hours at parties. I do not belong to any social club.”

Fashion Sense
“I am not label-freaked but I love to dress fine. Right from time, I have been trained to dress fine; that is our hobby in my family. I love bright and soft colours and I love perfect combination of colours in my dressing like you can see the way I am dressed now.”

Childhood memories
“I remember when we were small, my grandmother used to sell food. My siblings and I used to go with her to sell the food. It was so interesting.”
Life’s Lessons
“It was when I ran into problems that I learnt my greatest lesson of life. Human beings are so unfaithful. Omatek will be clocking 30 next year; it is a miracle to us and even to many others that betrayed us that we are still standing today. When we had problems, many people thought the end had come for Omatek but here we are bouncing. At that time, the banks that used to be our partners turned us down. My board members and employees that I thought would watch my back ran away. Surprisingly, my employees were the ones instigating negative write-ups against me. Then I concluded that in life, trust nobody.”

What Omatek Means
“The name Omatek was coined from my native name, Oma. I was forced to incorporate the name when the banks’ executives I was teaching said they would start paying me in cheques and they could only issue it in a company’s name and not my personal name. Immediately, I thought of my native name which is ‘Oma’ and I added ‘TEK’ instead of the normal ‘TECH’.

High Moments
“I am always happy; you can never see me get sad even when I find myself in the midst of a terrible situation. The spirit that works with me is always happy. If I find myself in a sad situation, I try as much as possible to get over it because it does not work well with me when I am sad.”

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