Friday 4 September 2015

What women don't miss about their youth

Changing nappies, dieting, and commuting - a new poll reveals the things women don’t miss as they get older

No longer feeling the need to apply make-up every day was near the top of the list Photo: REX
As part of a campaign to increase breast cancer awareness, Public Health England have revealed what older women don't miss about their youth.
Released as part of the Be Clear on Cancer campaign, the survey found that commuting was the activity most women felt glad they now do less often.
Staying out late and changing nappies received 75 and 74 per cent of the vote respectively, with many also glad to see the back of going on dates and wearing make-up every day.
The women surveyed said they were glad they would not have to change a nappy again  Photo: Getty
Surprisingly, 'travelling to other countries' also made the list, despite the recent Colour Report stating that travelling ambitions were highest amongst all age groups of retirees, with 19 per cent saying that would like to go on a round-the-world trip, 20 per cent would like to try a cruise, and 13 per cent said they would like to visit either a new city or country.
Virginia Wade, OBE, British former professional tennis player said she's glad she no longer has to worry about getting wrinkles: "To me, age is just a number and as I get older I'm still doing the things I love.
"There's nothing I enjoy more than touring the world and presenting tennis tournaments, but there are certainly a few things I'm delighted to leave behind. I'm certainly happy to say goodbye to worrying about the rain preventing me from practising on the tennis court.
"I'm also happy not to have to worry about getting wrinkles - I've already got them."
The survey also revealed that the best thing about getting older, according to women over 70, is having more time for themselves.
Participants noted that they felt "happier" and "more confident" in themselves than they had in their youth.

The full list

  1. Commuting most days
  2. Staying out late
  3. Changing nappies
  4. Planning holidays around school time
  5. Keeping up with the latest fashions
  6. Wearing make-up everyday
  7. Going on dates
  8. Wearing high heels
  9. Dieting
  10. Travelling to other countries

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